Imagine Hosting

Anon Hosting - FAQ

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Your rules are so strict. Can't you make an exception for my site?Of course, I always support illegal activities for money, if you need help, don't hesitate to contact me.
I have an .htaccess file, but it doesn't work. How can I fix it?.htaccess files are meant for Apache2 webservers. My server is based on NginX, which is much faster due to using static configuration files and not reading files like .htaccess at runtime. You can [email protected] and tell me your sites address where the .htaccess file is. I will then check your .htaccess and convert the rules to NginX rules and apply those.
I just uploaded my page, but it's broken. HELP!Most likely your site makes use of rewriting rules, which are typically located in an .htaccess file or are mentioned in a README file. Just [email protected] in this case. Also see the previous question.
Can I host a porn site?Yes as long as your content is legal you may upload adult content.
What is the directory structure for when I connect via sftp?There are several directories you on the server for your account:
Maildir - used to store your mails in (don't touch it)
data - You can store application data here that should not be accessible via your site. E.g. configuration or database files.
tmp - anything saved here will automatically be deleted after about 24 hours
www - this is where you upload your website which becomes then available under your domain.
logs - you will find webserver logs here
.ssh - by uploading your ssh public key as authorized_keys in this folder, you can authenticate to sftp using your ssh key, without a password
Anon Hosting it is free ?Yes, Anon hosting it is completely free hosting provider.
Anon Hosting is safe ?Yes, Our server is implemented with the latest technologies and security updates to thwart cyber threats. We provide a .onion network based on Tor, ensuring that your web address is shielded and hidden.
I'm using CloudFlare, but when I open my site, it shows too many redirects.By default CloudFlare makes unencrypted requests to the backend server, but my server tells any client that wants an insecure connection to upgrade to a secure connection and use https:// instead of http://. CloudFlare just forwards this redirection to the client, which then again asks CloudFlare for the same thing again, but CloudFlare still connects to my server via an insecure http:// connection. To fix this, go to your CloudFlare dashboard and manage your domains settings. Under "Crypto" you can find settings for SSL. Change the setting from Flexible to Full, which makes CloudFlare use a secure https:// connection when talking to my server.